Sunday, August 24, 2014

How to Be a Time Thief

Regardless of your goals, movement is what keeps you healthy and in shape. Want to tone up an area of your body? Move it more. Want to gain strength? Increase the challenge that you place on it during the movement. Want to lose weight? Burn more calories. These are not secrets held exclusively by a few; they are common knowledge. "I lack the time to exercise," is the excuse that I have heard more than any other; and that is exactly what it is, an excuse. Being healthier, looking better, making things easier, extending the quality of life are all benefits to movement on a consistent basis. Yet because most of us frame it as exercise, we keep that part of life compartmentalized in as small and convenient a box as we can manage.

Today, I would like to suggest that you can break out of that box. You can move every day and keep yourself healthy. You can even do it without trying to take another chunk out of your already busy schedule. Today I am going to teach you to be a time thief. Similar to multi-tasking, stealing time is to take something that you do already and to slightly modify both the action and your mindset for the purpose of accomplishing two things at once.

There are a few that basics that stand out. Park your car a little farther from the entrance when shopping. Take the stairs instead of the elevator whenever it is an option. Take two stairs at a time for a larger range of motion and a greater challenge. Do you have to walk your dog? Make it a cardiovascular workout by walking with good form and a faster pace. Every time you stand up from your computer, you are doing a squat. Focus on the correct form every time you sit and stand, and you will have probably done twenty good squats by the time you are through with your day. That number can increase dramatically if you do five chair squats every time you want to stand while you are at home.

While sitting, spend a few minutes on posture every hour. Your core stabilizers could always be stronger. Stretch, do planks, or push-ups on every commercial break while watching television. Balance and hip rotation exercises are easily added to hair or tooth brushing. The games you play with your kids are another great time to be physically active, if you choose the right games for your level of fitness. Participate in sports with the children; when you actively participate while helping them practice, you'll end up in better shape.

Remember that any additional effort helps to strengthen the body and burn extra calories; but it is only beneficial if you correctly perform the motion. Proper mechanics make things easier, improper mechanics lead to injuries. Any pain or discomfort beyond soreness is your body's attempt to signal that you are using improper mechanics. Pay special attention to the motions that involve any joint that is symptomatic. Fix the motion to get relief from discomfort.

Finally, remember that stealing time is over and above whatever existing practice you already undertake. Do not steal time for more exercise if you are already feeling run down. Definitely do not steal time when the original task requires full concentration or care. What has been covered is just the tip of the iceberg, look at your daily routine with fresh eyes and I am sure you will innovate any number of exercise/task combinations.

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